$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 !=(not equals)
 $=(ends with)
 <(less than)
 <=(less than or equal to)
 >(greater than)
 >=(greater than or equal to)
 ^=(starts with)
 Helper interface
 href, Parsing document.location
 Internal functions
 JQuery plugin interface
 JQuery URL parser
 parse, uri
 Parsing element text/HTML
 Parsing elements with an”href”or”src”attribute
 Parsing URL strings directly
 Public interface
 Quick overview
 regex(regular expression)
"!=" : function (actualValue,
Test if the actual value is equal to the user supplied value.
"$=" : function (actualValue,
Test if the end of the actual value is the same as the user supplied value.
"*=" : function (actualValue,
Test if the actual value contains the user supplied value.
Test if the actual value is less than the user supplied value.
Test if the actual value is less than or equal to the user supplied value.
"=" : function (actualValue,
Test if the actual value is equal to the user supplied value.
">" : function (actualValue,
Test if the actualValue is greater than the user supplied value.
">=" : function (actualValue,
Test if the actual value is greater than or equal to the user supplied value.
"^=" : function (actualValue,
Test if the start of the actual value matches the user supplied value.
var addSelectorCallback = function (element,
Add a function the selector callstack.
var dispatchGetSetHelper = function (getHelper,
Dispatch to get or set helper functions depending on the arguments supplied.
"filter" : function (segment,
Filters elements by URL or URL segment.
"fragment" : function (fragment)
Get/Set the fragment segment of the URL for the given element(s).
Parses any URI (URIs with a scheme seperator of “://” are parsed as “http://”, everything else is treated as unknown..
Converts an generic URI object to a string.
"getFragment" : function ( )
Get the fragment object from the elements URL.
var getFragmentString = function (url)
Retrieve the fragment string for a given URL.
"getHost" : function ( )
Get the host string from the elements URL.
var getHostString = function (url)
Retrieve the host string for a given URL.
var getHref = function ( )
Get the href URL for the element.
"getPassword" : function ( )
Get the password string from the elements URL.
var getPasswordString = function (url)
Retrieve the password string for a given URL.
"getPath" : function ( )
Get the path object from the elements URL.
var getPathObject = function (url)
Retrieve the path object for a given URL.
var getPathString = function (url)
Retrieve the path string for a given URL.
"getPort" : function ( )
Get the port string from the elements URL.
var getPortString = function (url)
Retrieve the port string for a given URL.
"getQuery" : function ( )
Get the query object from the elements URL.
var getQueryObject = function (url)
Retrieve the query object for a given URL.
var getQueryString = function (url)
Retrieve the query string for a given URL.
"getScheme" : function ( )
Get the scheme string from the elements URL.
var getSchemeString = function (url)
Retrieve the scheme string for a given URL.
"getUrl" : function ( )
Return the elements URL (stored under its “data-href”, and/or “href”/”src” attribute).
var getUrlObject = function (url)
Convert a URL string to an object, if not already.
"getUser" : function ( )
Get the user string from the elements URL.
var getUserString = function (url)
Retrieve the user string for a given URL.
"goto" : function ( )
Set document.location.href to the supplied elements “href”, “src” or “data-href” attribute value.
All private helper methods.
"host" : function (host)
Get/Set the host segment of the URL for the given element(s).
Parsing the document URL.
Parse a URI with a “http://” scheme into a URI object.
Converts a URI object with an “http” scheme to a string.
"initialise" : function ( )
Initialise the parser for the given element(s).
var initialiseElement = function ( )
Initialise an element for use with the URL parser.
var initialiseElementText = function ( )
Initialise an elements text field for use with the URL parser.
"interface" : function ( )
Get the available methods for the parser interface.
All internal private functions.
Parse a URI with a “javascript:” scheme into a URI object.
Converts a URI object with a “javascript:” scheme to a string.
JQuery URL parser plugin for parsing, manipulating, filtering and monitoring URLs in href and src attributes within arbitrary elements (including document.location.href), as well as creating anchor elements from URLs found in HTML/text.
$.jurlp = function (url)
Returns an interface for directly parsing, manipulating and monitoring the supplied URL.
$.fn.jurlp = function (method)
Public interface/method dispatcher for the JQuery URL parser.
Copyright © 2012, Thomas James Bonner (
Parse a URI with a “mailto:” scheme into a URI object.
Converts a URI object with a “mailto:” scheme to a string.
var methodDispatcher = function (method)
Main method dispatcher for the public interface.
var objectToUrl = function (url)
Convert a URL object to a string.
Overview of filter operators.
Parse a URI string based on scheme.
"parseUrl" : function ( )
Return the URL object for the elements “data-href” attribute value.
Parsing text/HTML for URLs.
Parsing “href” or “src” attributes.
How to directly parse, modify or monitor an arbitrary URL string.
"password" : function (password)
Get/Set the password segment of the URL for the given element(s).
"path" : function (path)
Get/Set the path segment of the URL for the given element(s).
var pathObjectToString = function ( )
Path objects toString method.
"port" : function (port)
Get/Set the port segment of the URL for the given element(s).
"proxy" : function (url,
Proxy the URL.
All public methods exposed via the JQuery URL parser plugin interface.
"query" : function (query)
Get/Set the query segment of the URL for the given element(s).
var queryObjectToString = function ( )
Query objects toString method.
var queryStringToObject = function (query)
Convert a query string to an object.
Useful example code.
"regex" : function (actualValue,
Test if the actual value matches the user supplied regular expression.
"restore" : function ( )
Removes any parser data associated with the element(s), and sets the href attribute to its original value.
var restoreAttrUrl = function (attr)
Given an element, and an attribute, then restore the URL attribute value to its original value.
var restoreElement = function ( )
Destroys any data associated with an element that has previously been initialised for use with the URL parser, and restores the elements “href” or “src” attribute (if any) to its original value.
var returnEachElement = function (callback,
Apply the callback for each element in this.
var returnEachObject = function (callback,
Apply the callback for each element in this, and buffer return codes.